
St. Bonaventure University

Cue the Confetti:

Help celebrate the Warming House's 50th anniversary



Franciscan Center for Social Concern

The FCSC is your headquarters for service learning at SBU. 我们欢迎所有渴望正义与和平的大学社区成员, respect for life, and a deep reverence for creation.

The journey begins with serving others, 但也包括在信仰的光照下反思那段经历, integrating it with our studies, 并成为天主教方济会传统积极变革的推动者. 我们相信,这样的旅程将改变生活,改变我们的校园,创造一个更美好的世界.

The good you can do through the FCSC

    Direct Service
    我们帮助当地社区中有需要的人或遭受某种形式的不公正的人, 并参与解决社会和环境问题的区域性努力.

    我们帮助培养一种关注所有人的人类和精神需求的意识, that evokes compassion for those in need, 这给人们灌输了一种更大的责任感和纠正错误的紧迫感.

    我们帮助带来结构上的改变,使社会和教会更加公正. 我们与那些努力争取尊严和权利的人站在一起, and we take public stands on matters of justice and peace.

  • Franciscan Center for Social Concern Programs

    A gem of the campus community


    The Warming House

    Our students, campus and community volunteers serve up nourishment, fellowship and dignity every single day.

    Warming House logo暖屋是美国最古老的学生开办的施粥所之一.

    It started as drop-in center for lonely adults in 1974, 在80年代早期开始每天为饥饿的人提供一顿饭, homeless and disadvantaged people. 2023年,暖屋提供了23000多份餐点,比五年前增长了300%.

    Located in a large storefront at 164 N. Union St. in downtown Olean, the Warming House is open six days a week year-round, 并拥有一个由300多名学生志愿者和近100名社区成员组成的支持团队.

    A United Way agency, 暖屋已经成长为一个真正的社区中心,也是林地区居民的宝贵资源, 提供发展教育教室及相关工作坊等服务.

    暖屋为St . .提供服务和实习机会. 博纳旺蒂尔大学的学生们继续它提供营养的使命, fellowship and dignity to its guests.

    Cue the confetti: Join our 50th anniversary celebration

    2024年将是暖屋运营50周年,牛津大学将举办一系列特别的周年庆祝活动. A working list of events is presented below. 请经常查看个别活动的详细信息和新列表:

    Upcoming events:
    • June 7-9 — Alumni Reunion Weekend: on campus
    • Sept. 26 — Empty Bowls Dinner: on campus
    • October - Francis Week关注食品不安全的社区规划/教育:在校园
    Past events:
    • Feb. 16 — Warming House Birthday Party with University President Dr. Jeff Gingerich and his wife, Betsy
    • Jan. 28 -在暖屋为宾客及暖屋协调员/义工举行生日庆祝活动

  • Student with her smiling Bona buddy at a basketball game.

    Bona Buddies


    所有的孩子都需要长辈的友谊、特别的关注和兴趣. 这些关系往往填补了年轻人生活中的空白,他们需要积极的榜样和经验.

    By agreeing to give a few hours of your time each month, you can make a difference in the life of a child. 这是一个很好的方式来了解社区中的其他人,帮助孩子,并获得乐趣.

  • SBU @ the SPCA

    SBU@SPCA的成员每周都会去卡特罗格斯县的动物保护协会, 一个非营利性的动物收容所,致力于拯救动物的生命,并为无家可归和被忽视的动物提供收养服务.

    Students visit the shelter in nearby Olean to walk dogs, play with cats, groom animals, and help with facility cleaning and upkeep.

    To learn more about SBU@SPCA, contact Mike Waseda, 方济会社会关怀中心助理主任:(716)375-2081或 email Mike.
    A student plays with two cats at the SPCA

    Shelves of food at the SBU Food Pantry

    St. Bonaventure Food Pantry

    SBU食品储藏室成立于2019年10月,此前校园社区意识到,食品不安全是美国各地大学校园的一个问题. 我们储存新鲜和冷冻食品(水果、蔬菜和蛋白质)以及耐货架食品.

    SBU食品储藏室位于方济各事工麦克金利-卡尼中心的113室, right in the center of campus. 欢迎SBU社区的所有成员每天全球网赌十大网站, helping themselves to five food items per day. Pantry hours are 4-8 p.m. Monday–Thursday and 4-6 p.m. on Friday.
    If you have questions about the food pantry, contact Mike Waseda, 方济会社会关怀中心助理主任:(716)375-2081或 email Mike.

    Student volunteers at an assisted living facility

    Silver Wolves & Friends with Sisters



    “姐妹之友”始于2018年,是阿勒格尼方济会姐妹会的试点项目. Partnering St. 博纳旺图尔大学的学生和阿勒格尼方济各会的姐妹们允许彼此窥探彼此的生活,并为年轻人提供了与一位信教的女性发展关系的机会. 

    有关银狼和姐妹之友的更多信息, contact Mike Waseda, 方济会社会关怀中心助理主任:(716)375-2081或 email Mike.

    Wall mural outside St. Francis Inn Ministry in Philadelphia

    Break the Bubble

    The St. 博纳文图尔大学社区有时被称为博纳泡沫, a place where, like any college campus, students feel comfortable, connected, 也许在某种程度上,由于他们专注于学习,他们与世界其他地方隔绝了.

    打破泡沫是学生在学期中期和假期离开校园的机会, as well as between semesters, 参与服务行程,协助弱势及弱势群体.

  • Service-related internships & fellowships

    Students may apply for the Robert C. 康罗伊纪念教区实习或玛丽·杨科洛维奇捐赠奖学金, 奖励学生培养他们对和平的兴趣, service and social justice.

  • Students gathered for a tree planting ceremony on campus

    Sustainability at SBU

    As a campus community, 我们欣然接受挑战,与环境保持“正确的关系”, with one another and surrounding communities.

    In the spirit of Francis of Assisi, we are committed to:
    • encouraging all constituents, by teaching and through example, 关心和致力建设一个更可持续发展的环境
    • 提高我们的选民对环境和所有生物的脆弱性的意识
    • celebrating the gift, goodness and beauty of all creation.
    We work to minimize our campus impact on the environment. 我们的新设施采用了许多先进的保护功能. 当然,可持续性不仅仅是消耗化石燃料. 我们的校园建设和维护着眼于长期耐用性.